Follow these simple steps to set up your new project using GitBash:
1. Navigate to Your Directory:
Use the `cd` command to navigate to the directory where you want to create your project.
Example: `cd Desktop`
2. Create a New Directory:
Use the `mkdir` command to create a new directory for your project.
Example: `mkdir newProject`
3. Create Files for Your Project:
Use the `touch` command to create files such as `index.html`, `styles.css`, and `app.js`.
Example: `touch index.html`, `touch styles.css`, `touch app.js`
4. Open Your Code Editor:
You can open Visual Studio Code directly from the terminal using the `code .` command.
Example: `code .`
✅ Your project directory is now set up and ready for you to start coding!
Published: Sept 2024
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